Seismic Data Acquisition
The company is able to organize teams of fully equipped for seismic data acquisition 2D, 3D and 4D.
We have extensive experience in various types of terrain and use different energy sources adapted to the conditions of terrain: explosive, vibrating system and accelerated weight drop air gun.
We use seismic equipment Sercel and Ion with under 5 years old.
Using a software package Mesa, geophysicists conceive proposed acquisition of seismic data. On this basis, geophysicists in the field made a detailed design by integrating topographic data, solutions for obtaining multiple coverage (fold), offset positions, generating scripts and application procedures QC / QA.
Data quality is checked daily by using Promax program. Processing 2D / 3D is done on workstations HPZ800 HPXW8600 type. Static models can be obtained from the data of MSC or LVL.
Our teams operate with seismic recording digital systems:
• Sercel SN 388, 408 UL and 428 XL
• SHOTPRO Pelton, with GPS
• Vibrators: Sercel Nomad 65 and AHV-IV-362 I/O, EnviroVibe
• Electronic vibrators: VibPRO, Sercel VE 4323, Sercel VE 464
• MSC and LVL are registered with DAQ Link System
Seismic Data Processing
• Pre-Stack Time & Depth Migration
• Horizon Velocity Analysis
• AVO Analysis and Seismic Attributes
Our processing team have extensive experience in processing and re-processing data acquired in areas of complex geology, as well as in processing challenging data sets acquired with multiple source types – vibrator, dynamite, weight drop & airgun – with receiver geometries offset to enable data collection in urban areas, oil fields or environmentally sensitive areas.
We have the capability to process a significant number of 2D and 3D seismic projects concurrently. The system runs the latest versions of Landmark’s PROMax and SeisSpace software which is specially designed to manage and process very large 2D/3D seismic data volumes.
Interpretation Services
Our dedicated team of geophysicists and geologists have an in-depth knowledge and wide experience of performing 2D/3D seismic data interpretation. Geological & geophysical studies are integrated to provide sedimentary basin analysis across a wide range of hydrocarbon exploration areas with different geological settings including Romania, Moldova, Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Ecuador, Kazakhstan, The Philippines and Turkey.
For interpretation studies we use the latest versions of SMT’s Kingdom software and Landmark (Open Works, SeisWorks, StratWorks, etc.) software which provide multiple capabilities for the interpretation of seismic or mixed seismic and geological dates to meet the requirements of our clients.
Geophysical Non Seismic Methods
• Magnetotelluric
• Electrical Methods:
- Resistivity
- Induced Polarization
- Spontaneous Potential
• Gravity surveys
• Magnetic survey
The Applied Geophysics Department has skilled and experienced teams who are equipped to carry out a range of high-precision geophysical surveys using non-seismic methods for hydrocarbon and mineral exploration, as well as environmental and geotechnical studies.
We offer acquisition, processing and interpretation services for all types of geophysical data sets including inversions and 2D and 3D modeling. The results can be integrated with seismic, geochemical and other data to provide a conplete subsurface model.
Environmental Services
• Field survey and sample collection
• Drilling services
• ISO certified laboratories
• Full assessment and report preparation
• Environmental monitoring
• Mineral Assay
Equipment and technologies used are high performance and the personnel involved is qualified and experienced in performing the highest standards of works, consisting of:
Environmental Studies
• Environmental reports
• Study / Environmental Impact Report
• Budget plans in the environmental field
• Plans / reports locations
• Plans / environmental safety reports
• Study / feasibility plans
Integrated Management
• Monitoring implementation phases throughout the entire process / project
• Providing solutions based on technical specifications, by supervising evolution works
• Finding the best financial solutions
Taking samples
• Uncontaminated sampling, surface and underground
• Air samples
• Water samples
Analysis and Monitoring
• Geological analysis
• Chemical analysis
• Mineralogical and petrographic analysis
• Geochemical prospecting
• Geological prospecting
• Geotechnical prospecting
• Hydrogeological prospecting
Analysis and monitoring will be performed in specialized laboratories.
Geological and Geotechnical Services
• Field mapping and sample collection
• Geological laboratory analysis
• Mineralogical and petrographical analysis
• Geotechnical services
• Geochemical surveys
• Geotechnical prospecting
• Hydrogeological prospecting
Our services include reserve calculation and geo-economic studies using the full range of surface investigation techniques, mine working and shallow drilling sampling, well data, and interpretation of geophysical and geochemical data for the entire range of mineral resources.