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Planning and Scheduling

Planning and Scheduling

Methods of Planning/Scheduling and progress monitoring system

RSM(Rig Service Maintenance - Software application) system is designed to be not only an instrument for information storing (work history, operating parameters, work performed, materials consumed), but also an active maintenance tool (planned, predictive and corrective maintenance). Its effectiveness and efficeiency are reflected in the continuous improvement of the services provided by increasing quality measured by Mean Time Between Failure - MTBF, as it was already confirmed by other contracts that Rig Services have in progress, using this system the overall maintenance costs decreases.


The process of generating maintenance works in RSM system can be represented schematically in the following format:

For works planned at regular intervals, RSM System generates a list of works that shall be sent for approval.


Periodically or even daily the primary data (operating parameters of the equipment subject to maintenance) are collected and registered in the system. Processing these data in correlation with the pre-defined normal operating parameters, the RSM system signals the potential operating problems. These signals are analyzed by the specialists and proposals for remedial works will be attached to the list of planned works.

The image above represents one of the ways in which data can be registered into the system. In the left side there is the list of equipment represented "tree like", depending on the installation and role it fulfils. The respective list is made depending on the period referred to, thus being able to view the oldest records. In the right side, there is the edit data and comments area.


As noted, the system displays the list of planned works, as well as the status of the mentioned works. In case we have a planned work that is pending for approval or execution, then the system shall signal it with red color until the moment that it has the execution status closed. The period between the signal and execution, highlighted by the system using the red color, shall be then signaled in the same way, to show possible delays in the execution.


The defining of the parameters and of the execution periodicity can be made in as many modalities as desired (for example: time, functioning hours, kilometres travelled etc. - in any combination), and each defined job plan can be attributed to a functioning system, existing at the same time the possibility to determine certain interrelations.


The preparing of the maintenance scheduling plan, independently of the period (90 days, 14 days, daily), becomes easy by using this instrument and the export of the list of works can be realised in any format.


In case one work proposal is rejected - not approved - the system shall keep it pending, and it shall be proposed later. In special cases, when the execution is not anymore compulsory, the respective proposal shall be closed and ignored in the future.


In case of approval, the work shall be executed and registered in the system in all details(consumed materials, executive personnel, etc.). The status of the respective work shall be closed, completing and re-initiation the cycle of maintenance works.



The software package used for Planning/Scheduling


RSM - Rig Service Maintenance System - Software application

The RSM information system was developed within S.C. Rig Service S.A. by the RSM information system team within the IT service. The conception and implementation of the system was realized in close connection with the technical staff and management, following the management and development plan of the company.       

Implementing the RSM system as the main tool for integrated management was done in 2005. The implementation of the system was made in phases, the improvement of the works tracking process and allocation of human resources being obvious since the first integrated modules. The main purpose of using this system is the centralization / concentration and monitoring of data and information that derive from:

ü    services and orders provided by the beneficiaries;

ü    planning, evolution and closing the maintenance works;

ü    follow-up materials and services orders, as well as the evaluation of the suppliers;

ü    services and activities developed within the company;

ü    the instruction and authorization process of the personnel employed;

ü    the accreditations of the company and of the working points, as well as their monitoring;


RSM System structure

Section 1


Section 2

Reports and situations

Section 3

Documents work flow

Section 4

Estimation & Planning/Scheduling

      The system is subject to a continuous process of improvement and upgrade, the adjustments coming from the users’ suggestions, as well as a result of internal and external audits. This ensures an uninterrupted improvement of work manner with the information system, which is automatically reflected in the management of the activities and especially in the company results.

The friendly interface and the support offered during running the program provides the user an easy and enjoyable way of work. The initial concept as well as the filed of the application development, guarantees the access to the program on any location, using a PC, the only condition being the existence of an internet connection. The documents generated by the system can be exported in other applications (e.g.: Microsoft Office applications) or may be sent bye-mail directly from the work interface.


A major benefit of the system is represented by its scalable capability, adding new modules or connectivity with other systems being extremely simple to be realized. At this point, automatic uni and bi-directional inter-connections are realized with different other IT systems of the partners or even within the company. The advantages of these inter-connections consist in the update and data synchronization, as well as in the accuracy they achieve, avoiding the human factor in data replication process. Generating interfaces for interconnecting to the RSM system or between RSM and other system can be realized by fulfilling the most rigorous security measures, the RSM system monitoring the connection, the integrity of the packages sent/received and the location where the connection is established.


The integrated management system RSM ensures:

ü    Assigning a unique registration number to each document

ü    Establishing the status of each active document

ü    Follow-up the life cycle of a document, the staff responsible for its reception, the moment when it was received, the person responsible for authorization / response made, the date when the response / authorization have been completed

ü    Secured access in the system and operation rights differentiated depending on the user’s rank /hierarchy;

ü    specific rights to each user, for each section of the program - even at field level in the records

ü    Access to a common data base eliminates the information fill-in errors;

ü    Adaptability to any type of document

ü    Connectivity to other applications

ü    Easy maintenance and operation

ü    Scalability for future developments



The main advantages of the RSM system may be summarized as follows: 


ü  High portability and flexible interface allow interconnecting to any other similar system (SAP, AMOS etc.);

ü  Ensuring the highest degree of security and integrity of stored data, as well as backup and recovery methods;

ü  Stores the information related to the document in one single place;

ü  Allows quick access to documents and information registered in the system;

ü  Informs in relation with the approval status (resolution) of a document;

ü  Follows-up the time required to complete an authorization (resolutions) and those that have exceeded this term;

ü  View documents registered in a specified period;

ü  Import, export or data synchronization with other applications can be done using own interface, as well as of those with which the interconnection is wanted.